Meet Laura!
Laura is a certified Matchmaker and an accredited Dating Coach.
Laura works with clients who lack the confidence to date, who are returning to dating after a relationship breakdown or who need some direction to achieve more success in their dating lives. Laura was single for 11 years. She made all the classic mistakes. She didn’t date with purpose or with confidence and she didn’t know how to get out of the cycle that she was in. She also struggled with loneliness and the impact that this had on her decision-making around her dating.
After a long journey (mentally and geographically!) she figured out what she was doing wrong, she understood herself better and went on to date in a totally different and more confident way.
Now happily married, Laura is using what she has learned to empower dating-fatigued singles to re-launch their dating life with a spark, with excitement and without the fear of settling, allowing them to have the relationship that they want. She does this via a 12-week, one-to-one coaching programme.
The programme is designed around the three pillars – The Past, The Present and The Spark, which takes you on your own journey. You’ll move through the pillars to understand your dating patterns and history; you’ll understand why it hasn’t been working for you. Then you will move on to what is going on in the here and now. This allows you to get clear on what you want and how you’re going to achieve it. Once you know what you want and you’re ready to get out dating again, Laura will support you with all the practical part of dating.
Want to work with Laura - drop us a line and we'll connect you!